The Big Bang Theory season 4 Bloopers is my absolute favorite Bloopers of the show. You definitely need to watch it below. Make sure to share with your friends so they can have a good laugh.
They are some stupid people in this world. If you do stupid things you'll end up on video with people laughing at you. Watch this video and see just how stupid. Surely these people were under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Watch and share it with your friends.
Adam Sandler - The Goat Song
The video below is Adam Sandlersinging the Goat Song. If you never heard then you need to watch. Adam Sandler is one of the funniest people alive. Watch and enjoy. Make sure to share with your friends.
Anchorman 2 Gag Reel
Is there any Will Ferrellfans out there? I believe we can all agree that Will Ferrellis pretty funny man. Especially in this gag Reel from Anchorman 2.Absolutely funny stuff. If you are needing a good laugh before bed then this is a good video to watch. Make sure to share it with all your friends.
The Big Bang Theory Season 3 Bloopers
I love The Big Bang Theoryso much I thought I would post the Bloopers from season 3. Just like the other Bloopers, it is hilarious. I know you'll enjoy a good laugh. Watch it below and make sure to share it with your friends.
The Big Bang Theory Season 2 Bloopers
Here is another The Big Bang TheoryBloopers from season 2. Really funny and I enjoyed watching this one. All you Big Bang Theory geeks will love this one. So watch it below and make sure to share with your friends.
Seinfeld Bloopers Season 8
Seinfieldwas great sitcom. I remember watching it back years ago. My favorite character was George. George could always find himself in a mess. The video below brought back a lot of memories. Take a look at the video, it is the bloopers from season 8. I promise you'll get a good laugh.